Cowritten by: Casey Kelm
It’s one of the biggest questions facing business owners and advertising professionals right now. And, quite frankly, no one knows the answer just yet – how will COVID-19 impact businesses in the future? While we know that consumer behavior is constantly changing, this global pandemic will definitely have a lasting effect on the how Americans consume products and services.
During these times of self-isolation and quarantining, many people have become accustomed to using delivery services or pick-up options for food and groceries. I mean, who doesn’t want to get your groceries delivered right to your door while working from home on your living room couch? That’s called multi-tasking, right? But as we all eventually go back to our typical routines, it won’t be surprising when many consumers continue to utilize these forms of business out of convenience and familiarity potentially forcing a shift in operations and even a need to perfect relationships with delivery services such as DoorDash and Favor.
Oppositely, many Americans are itching at the idea of enjoying the parts of life they once took for granted before the pandemic – spending time with friends, live sports, traveling, going to the movies or working out in gyms. Yes, we’re surprised about the “working out” part, too. Although, I think we can all agree that we’re tired of those at-home YouTube or social media work out videos.
This means businesses like bars, entertainment venues, travel agencies, airports, airlines, hotels, gyms, yoga studios, movie theaters, amusement parks, etc. need to be prepared to take advantage of the coming rush of opportunity. Businesses need to be considering how they will compete to be present in consumers’ minds. Creating a plan to connect your product or service after quarantined life will be an essential step in overcoming the social distancing gap and getting back on track. Those who wait may find out it’s too late.
Don’t let your business fall by the wayside of uncertainty. Be ready to remind consumers what is waiting for them on the other side of these difficult and confusing times. By letting your brand be the light at the end of the tunnel, your business could end up healthier than ever.
Need assistance with connecting to your audiences during COVID-19? Ring our bell! Check out our portfolio and creative services, or email us at [email protected].