According to e-Marketer, consumer e-commerce spending within the US is expected to increase by 16.2% during the 2018 holiday season. Due to an overall positive economic status within the nation with a 3% GDP growth, and increased e-commerce spending so far in 2018, users are expected to spend more liberally over the shopping season compared to previous years. To nobody’s surprise, mobile shopping will be where the largest growth will be seen, with a 33% projected growth in mobile e-commerce spending, which will account for 44% of total user spending. Voice search is playing a more integral role in the overall shopping funnel, with many users starting their shopping research via voice searches through Alexa, Google Home, and other devices. Speaking of Alexa, NetElixir says Amazon is expected to capture 40% of all online sales over the holiday season, up from 35% in 2017, so it’s essential to ensure your advertising strategies are adapted to account for this growth.
Overall, Q4 is going to be big. Are your campaigns ready for it? Visit our Media page to find out more information, or email us at [email protected].