Google maps and local listings now allow users to ask questions, answer other questions, and search frequently asked questions directly on the map or a company’s local listing. When a user searches for a business on maps or search, they’ll now see the new ‘Questions and Answers’ section to quickly find the answers to commonly asked questions related to that business.
What does this mean for small businesses and digital advertisers? It means you not only need to have this content on your site, but also need to make sure you’re optimizing and managing your local listing on Google and responding to those users asking questions.
Last week, we blogged about the rise of voice search and what it means for SEO in terms of how to adapt to make sure your site is optimized for voice searches. It’s clear that this new Q&A functionality on search and maps will not only help users who are searching online, but will also help to better serve those voice searches, since there will now be a go-to list of top questions and responses.
Have a question about how Pavlov can help manage your maps or local business listings? Ring our bell.